Archive for Juni 2012

Kegagalan , Perjuangan Dan Keberhasilan

Ku berjalan melewati semua rintangan
Hujan deras menahan perjalananku
Kucoba tuk berlari
Namun badai datang menghadang
Semua terlihat menyedihkan
Namun kucoba tuk bersabar

Ku berjuang melewati semua ini
Walau semua tidaklah mudah
Ku tersenyum menikmati semua rintangan ini
Aku tak pernah menyerah
Semangat menyala membara didalam diriku
Mencoba melampaui batas diri sendiri

Irama musik mewarnai hari hariku
Buku buku  menemani hari hariku
Senyuman melekat diwajahku
Sapaan melekat ditubuhku
Humor melekat didalam diriku
Pengetahuan melekat dipikiranku

Hingga sang mentari pun muncul
Menyinari dan menerangi duniaku
Dan sang pelangi pun muncul
Mengindahkan duniaku
Namun sang mentari mulai tenggelam
Dan akhirnya datanglah vanila senja yang menakjubkan

                                                               Ciptaan : Patrick Pahala_OKU Timur , 07 Juni 2012

We Are SMP Negeri 1 Buay Madang Timur

Ok , it is my story about my experience in Junior High School , SMP Negeri 1 Buay Madang Timur .

SMP Negeri 1 Buay Madang Timur , for me it's good and graet school . There are many good and even excellent teachers in this school . In this school , I and my friends are learned and taught here . We got many knowledge and science here to our future , we also got experience that useful to us . There are many students here , so many kind of students , there are good and smart sudents and also there are bad and naked students here and there are also students who like to make joking .

I still remember when i was grade VII ( Seven ) in this school , i was still adapting in this school . So i was still not so confident in this school . I still liked to make noise in class or anything . I also ever joined in basketball team , I was shy becuase i was still stiff and not so confident so when i played , i played badly . In terms of academic , my academic scores were good and my academic rank was also good . ( first rank in regular class in semester 1 and in excellent i was ranked 9 in semester 2 ) . Here i met Ariza , Alvin , Bima , Rico , Milzam , Hanan , Amin , Dwi Prasetyo , Sholekan , Fina , Sri , Khoriroh , Ikke , Ika , Dwi Surya Ningsih , Ratih , Shofia and many more . And here i met my teachers , there are Bu Asna , Pak Sis , Bu Nur , Bu Tati , Bu Tumisah , Pak Demar , Pak Sahrul , Bu Suwarsih , Pak Mino , Pak Sarjito , Bu Sukowati , Bu Amsini , Bu Siti Rohani , Bu Ati , Pak Zulfakar , Pak Pran Pak Basori , Pak Budi and many more .

Then when i was grade VIII ( Eight ) in this school , I've been able to adapt to this school . I also joined in football team . I joined the selection to play in Indonesia Education League . In first stage of selection i was choosen to join the next selection . In second stage of selection i was choosen to joined the next selection but in third selection i was not choosen in the team .  Then i also met good and smart students here , they are my senior class .  They had inspired me . They are Mukhsin , Yoyok , Bagus , Arif , Yus , Guruh , Rifai , Adam .Their friendship is good and they are very compact . They are unique and smart . And because my senior class I know Japan Music . In terms of academic , my academic scores were good and my academic rank was also good but still better in last semster . ( I was  ranked 13 in excellent class in semester 3 and i was ranked 17 in excellent class in semester 4 and I didn't include in top 31 overall in my school so in next semester I was in regular class ) .

Yeah  , I was grade IX ( Nine ) , It was the beginning of my heyday . Ok , at first it was hurt me and made me sad because I got out from excellent class but I didn't give up , It motivated me to be better and motivated me to show if i was still feasible include in excellent class . It was like a heavy rain with storm ( my failure to defend in excellent class ) , The sun sunshines bright ( my struggling ) and The rainbow ( my achievements ) . In this semester I focus to my study and I focus lessons in school . I studied hard . There are songs that rise up my spirit , that were songs from Owl City and Simple Plan and I also got books from my family , Fransiska Nawangwulan and Andre Adhitya , that books help me to build up my confident , the books were 101 Kisah Inspiratif karya Assep Purna diterbitkan oleh Gagas Media and Be Briliant For You Teens ! karya Febriyo Hadikesuma diterbitkan oleh Gramedia . And I also often watched Pak Mario Teguh on TV , he is my inspiration and he is my idol . I also ever read story about Adam Khoo's experiences and wow , that was amazing and awesome . Both of them have inspired me . And Praise The God . In mid semester my scores was very good and I got first rank in my class and i was ranked 4 overall in my school . Then in semester 5 my scores was very good and I got first rank in my class and i was ranked 2 overall in my school . Here i also met 7 Generals and in next semester changed into 8 Generals .

Then in next semsester , I focus to National Examination . But before I did my School Final Examination . My school held study tour to Jakarta . In jakarta I , my friends and my teachers go to Monas , Taman Mini Indonesia Indah , Ragunan , Ancol and Dufan . That was so fun and made me happy but also tired . Then in National Examination , Praise The God , my scores are very good . My Indonesia Language score is 9.60 , my English Language score is 9.00 , my Math score is 9.75 and my Natural Science score is 9.75 . So my total score is 38.10 and my average score is 9.525 . And I got first rank in class and got first rank overall in school and first rank in OKU Timur Regency . Thanks God .

I am happy can study in SMP Negeri 1 Buay Madang Timur and I proud and grateful can proud SMP Negeri 1 Buay Madang Timur in OKU Timur Regency .
And i hope SMP Negeri 1 Buay Madang Timur can be better in the future .

Thanks to all of my friends in SMP Negeri 1 Buay Madang Timur .
Thanks to my teachers in SMP Negeri 1 Buay Madang Timur , you always teach me wall and patiently .
Thanks SMP Negeri 1 Buay Madang Timur .
I will always remember you and will never forget all of you .
I am sorry about my mistakes to you my friends and my teachers  and i hope you will always remember me .
  Study Tour In Jakarta                                                                               Parting In My School



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